Monday, June 30, 2008

Photo Freedom - Stacy Julian

So I have been meaning to get my photos more organized for a while now... Stacy Julian came to the MemoryWorks retreat (I couldn't go though DANG!) and did a talk on this subject and introduced her new book, "Photo Freedom"... The consultants were revved up about it, so I bought it to see what it was all about.

It is AWESOME. It is definitely not for the faint of heart as this system is about totally not sorting your photos chronologically. It is kinda hard to explain the whole system, but I started getting out ALL my photos this weekend and am going to put this system into place.

Already I have found inspiration for layouts for photos I hadn't seen in YEARS. I think it will definitely make me more productive in my scrapbooking...

I highly recomend the book to those needing a system for their photos. Even if you can't let go of the chronological system (I am kinda anal about knowing what photo is from what year), you can tailor the system to fit your needs...

I can't wait to see how it affects my scrapbooking...

You get can get it on and get started right away:

And here is the website for the book: