Thursday, March 13, 2008

So I was reloading Sure Cuts Alot...

You might remember my delight in finding out about Sure Cuts Alot...

Well I had to get a new laptop (my one year old Acer's Motherboard decided to give up on me), and I just reinstalled the program today. Lo and behold.


Woo hoo! This make this piece of software awesome in my opinion. This feature was added on March 7th.

There is also a new forum for help, and support at:

My new laptop is a Vista... Don't let the rumors of Vista incompatibility scare you...

I run this program in Windows XP mode since it runs smoother for me that way.

To do that is easy. Just install the program. Once installed, RIGHT click its icon (not left click as that will start the program).

Click Properties.

Click the Compatibility Tab.

Check the box next to "Run this Program in Compatibility Mode For"

And then choose Windows XP in the list below that.

(NOTE: I have not tried it under different platforms such as Windows 2000, etc.)

Click OK and you are done.

A great little program - I had a question on the install and got an answer a couple hours later. The company has been top notch so far!

They could make the cutting process a little faster and dare I say it, this program would be perfect....